19. more manipulation

These are some manipulation tactics I was exposed to after spending some time in the church.

1. New members were subject to “love bombing”—being inundated in praise and positivity to foster goodwill toward the church and make it hard to say “no.”

2. Older members were publicly humiliated and ostracized for doing anything “sinful.” Sometimes they would be banned from the church and told to worship at home.

3. Sermons and studies were carefully selected to obliterate any doubts forming in new members’ minds or point out “sins.”

4. New members were made to study separately so they wouldn’t be exposed to new doubts.

5. Doubting members would be isolated even during services to prevent their doubts from spreading to others.

Who was exposed to whom was carefully orchestrated, as I came to realize when I went from being a “new member” to an “older member.”

Public shaming and humiliation have especially caused trauma in members and made them feel that they needed to seek approval and forgiveness from the church, feeding an abusive cycle.